

A Program that Fits Your Family

Cheerleading is one of the fastest-growing sport in the world and was recently announced as a provisional sport in the upcoming Olympics! It distinguishes itself from traditional stereotypes because of the skill and athleticism required to be successful. Teams focus on gymnastics, acrobatics, athletic dance, and stunts – a true hybrid sport – cheerleading develops an athletes’ strength, flexibility, coordination, and stamina. There’s a team for everyone! No experience? No problem! With competitive and recreational teams for cheerleaders ages 3-18 years old, beginners to advanced, Premier Academy has a team for you!

Click each program below to learn more!

Novice Cheer

Our Novice Cheer program is perfect for athletes that are new to cheer! This program has two sessions; September to December and/or January to April for ages 3 – 8 yrs old. Practices will be held once a week for 1 – 1.5 hours. Athletes will perform at one event at the conclusion of each session.

*Uniform required

Masters Cheer

Masters athletes are not required to try out for this team. This is a semi-competitive team that runs from September to April. The masters division is similar to our prep program, setting goals and standards to ensure we are demonstrating our best skills. This Team practices once a week for 2 hours. Athletes will learn a 2-minute routine. Masters will perform/ compete at 3 different events throughout the season, which may require few extra practices throughout the season for continued learning, routine upgrades, and choreography practices. The masters program however does not need tumbling experience as it is a stunt heavy score sheet, including Jumps, and Dance scores. Cheer practices are mandatory to ensure we put the most confident routine on the competition floor.

*Uniform required

All Star Prep

Prep athletes are not required to try out for a team. This is a semi-competitive team that runs from September to April. Teams practice are once a week for 1.5-2 hours; age group dependent. Athletes will learn and compete a 2-minute routine. Prep athletes will compete at 3 events within Alberta throughout the season, which may require athletes to attend a few extra practices throughout the season for routine upgrades. Routine elements are similar to that of a novice team, but stunting and tumbling play a much bigger role on the scoresheet. Cheer practices are mandatory and tumbling training is highly recommended. 

*Uniform required

**NEW** All Star Prep Plus FM & RD ONLY

The Prep Plus Program is the stepping stone between Prep and Elite. Although no tryouts are required, it is built for those with previous experience on a Prep team or will require an evaluation. This is similar to a Prep team, however Prep Plus Teams practice twice a week for 1.5-2 hours beginning in September-April. Athletes will learn and compete a 2-minute routine. Routine elements are the same to that of a Prep team. The commitments are the same to that of an Elite team. Prep Plus athletes will compete at 3-4 events within Alberta throughout the season. Cheer practices are mandatory and tumbling training is highly recommended.


*Uniform required

All Star Elite

Our All Star Elite Program is our competitive program. The season runs from June to April. Teams practice twice a week for 2 hours. Athletes will be required to attend our new Super Camp in June, skills camp in July, choreography camp in August and a few extra practices throughout the season for routine upgrades. Elite athletes will compete a 2 – 2 1/2 minute routine at 4-5 events throughout the year with the potential of 1 out of province competition. While we will always support additional sports and school activities, our athletes will need to be equally as focused on their cheer teams at PA. These athletes will be in the most competitive divisions and will require focus and dedication. Cheer practices are mandatory and tumbling training is highly recommended.

*Uniform required

**NEW** All Star Elite Plus FM & RD ONLY

Our Elite Plus Program is for our most driven athletes. The season runs from June to April. Athletes will be required to attend our new Super Camp in June, skills camp in July, choreography camp in August and a few extra practices throughout the season for routine upgrades. Teams practice twice a week for 2 hours. Athletes will compete a 2- 2 1/2 minute routine at 4-5 events within Alberta throughout the year, in addition to one out-of-province competition. While we will always support additional sports and school activities, our athletes will need to be equally as focused on their cheer teams at PA. These athletes will be in the most competitive divisions and will require focus and dedication. Cheer practices and tumbling training are mandatory. 


*Uniform required


The information package for the upcoming 2024/2025 season is ready! Fill out the form below to get all the details on the upcoming season including program offerings, the tryout process, fees, and more!

Register before March 15th to be entered to win a FREE Practice Wear set!

Bonnyvile Cheer
Fort McMurray Cheer
Red Deer Cheer
2024-2025 Draft Twisters All Star Packet Season 13