
Cheer Abilities

Premier Academy is now offering programming for all abilities.  Through Cheer Abilities, children will improve direction following and learn to take turns through a rotation while also developing close relationships with each other and their coaches. Your athlete will learn a new love for cheerleading and highlight their strength in an easy to follow environment.

Currently not offered in Bonnyville, but check back for future updates!

Shooting Stars Cheer Team

This program is for ages 8 years old to Adult.  This is an adaptive cheerleading program designed especially for special needs individuals of all ages. Our Cheer Abilities program is designed to help children and adults to improve physical abilities, balance, coordination, strength, endurance, flexibility, and an environment to practice and learn social skills, build confidence with adaptive tumbling, obstacle courses and a routine building.  The team will perform in December.

  • Ages 8-24
  • Athletes must be able to follow simple instructions in a group setting
  • Must be toilet trained.
  • As needed, athletes will have 1:1 assistance from an athlete helper or aid.
  • Program fee of $200 includes a performance top and hair bow or scrunchie. (An alternative to hair scrunchie will be offered to boys). Athletes will also need black bottoms (shorts or pants) for performances. There are no competition fees for this team
  • Training: September to February

Adaptive Abilities Tumbling Class

This is an adaptive tumbling program designed specifically with special abilities in mind and translating strength to a fun and welcoming tumbling environment. Through this class participants will improve physical abilities, balance, coordination, strength, endurance, flexibility, and all in an environment to build social skills and confidence. This class will include adaptive & assisted tumbling, obstacle courses, parachute activities, bounce house and a wide array of games and activities for fun.

  • When: Thursdays 6:45 – 7:15 p.m.
  • Ages 4 – 24
  • Aids and Guardians are encouraged to join and participate during classes.
  • Participants must be able to go to the washroom independently or with aid assistance.
  • Appropriate clothing for the class is a t-shirt, warm-up pants or shorts. No jewelry is allowed. Hair should be up, if possible, if it touches the student’s shoulders. No socks or outdoor shoes are allowed on the floor.

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